What's the real reason behind the closing down of IPGs?
Vice President Parti Warisan Sabah Junz Wong wanted the Sabah State Government to clarify whether or not The Teachers Education Institute (IPG) Keningau Campus is to be closing down.
If true, Junz condemned the decision to close down IPG Keningau which has been in operation for 32 years in Keningau and criticized BN Sabah for their deafening silence.
Sabah needs to train more teachers to replace the 14,000 Malaya teachers who are currently teaching in Sabah and for future educational development.
Where is our Musa Aman who can call Najib and work out a deal ? Where is he now ?
Junz who is also the Likas Assemblyman demanded the Sabah Government to come clean the real reason behind the gradually closing up of IPGs.
I was made to understand from lecturers that half the budget for IPG has been cut.
Are the Federal Government closing down our IPGs simply because they have run out of funds to maintain / pay our teachers ?
You can cut whatever budget but shouldn't be in the expense of education via not the teachers !
Teachers allowances used to be RM640 and since earlier this year has been cut to RM430. How do our teacher survive ?!
I heard IPG Tawau is going to be closed down too while IPG Sandakan has already been closed down.
I therefore throw a challenge to our CM Musa now to prove that he really can talk the federal through by keeping our IPGs. Give assurance by doing something drastic about it.
"Jangan hanya cakap berapi, tapi hakikatnya anguk anguk dengan keputusan semenanjung!"
It's the responsibility of our Sabah Government to ensure that education is given top priority and welfares of teachers and students are well take care. Converting / closing IPG Keningau a bad bad move which BN shall pay heavily i in GE14. Junz concluded
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